Terminology in Congree TermTiger is available online for the entire company to access in TermTiger Search. TermTiger Search can normally be reached with an URL like this: https://yourserver/CongreeControlCenter/TermTiger/search
Search bar
Enter the term you want to search for in the search bar.
Click on any of the results to get more details.
TermBase selector
Click the TermBase selector to switch between TermBases.
Filter selector
Click the Filter selector to enable any filter that has been created previously.
Access to propose term candidates
Click Propose new term candidate if you want to share an idea for a new term with the terminologist.
A) Mandatory fields have a red asteriks.
B) All available fields on concept level are displayed first
C) All available fields on term level are displayed afterwards
D) When all mandatory fields have been filled, you can click Propose Candidate to forward the term to management or you can click Cancel to undo the entire operation.
Search language
Click the flag to change the current search language.
Language of the user interface
Click this flag to change the language of the user interface. English and German are available.
Access to login
Click the login button if you want to log in as a specific user.