Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


  1. Go to the Keyword of the respective rule. The content of the column is freely editable. Delete, edit, or replace the text according to your needs:

    Image RemovedImage Added

  2. Modify Instruction and Explanation as well:

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Image RemovedImage Added

  3. Modify the existing example.

    1. Click the Image Removed Image Added button of the selected rule.

      1. The Example window will open up:

        Image RemovedImage Added

    2. The negative example and the positive example can be freely editable. Delete, edit or replace the text as you wish. To highlight text in the negative example in red, select the parts of the example and click Highlight. Do the same for the green highlighting of text in the positive example:

      Image RemovedImage Added

    3. Click Save.

      1. The Example window will close.

  4. Customize as many message texts as you like in the same way.

  5. Your notification set configuration will be saved automatically.

  6. You can assign the notification text configuration to a style guide in Style Guide.

  7. After successfully assigning the notification set to a Style Guide and compiling it, you can see the new notification text in the Congree Authoring Client:

    Image RemovedImage Added