Versionen im Vergleich


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How to log in to the Congree Server:

  1. In the Congree Toolbar, click the Login button.

    1. The login window will open up:


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  1. Under Server, select the required server environment for your work (also see How do I configure my Congree environment?):


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  2. Under Authentication, select the required authentication method:


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    For the default long with Congree user data, this would be Congree.
  2. Enter your user name in the Login field.

    1. The Login button will become active.
  3. Enter your password in the Password field.
  4. Click Login.
  5. The Congree panels will be opened.
  6. The connection to the Congree Server will be established.


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  2. In the Congree Toolbar, the Activate, Rule set, Document, Section, and Settings buttons will be activated.
  3. The following notification appears in the Congree panels:


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    The credentials entered are not correct. Click Details, then Configure and try again to log in to the Congree Authoring Client.

  2. You receive the following notification: "The CodeMeter Service is not available. Make sure that the Windows 'CodeMeter Runtime Server' service is running." This means that you will have to restart the Windows service via the Windows Task Manager, Services tab, in order to log in again.

  3. You receive a notification that the Congree Server cannot be reached. If clicking on Details shows that you do not have a valid license, you have two options:

    Option 1: Click Configure in the notification and switch to another Congree environment that you have a license for.

    Option 2: License your Congree Authoring Server, see IT Manager – Licensing.

The author is able to work in the editor during the login process. The login process does not block the editing area.
The specific login behavior can be modified in the Congree Control Center. For example, you can determine that you can log in when a document is opened or that no login window is to be displayed. This chapter of the manual describes login using the default configuration.