- Search panel
- Details and Comparison buttons: Go to the Details and Comparison submenus.
- Details buttons: Open an overview of one or more reports that shows you which notifications have been ignored, disregarded or not processed.
- Compare button: Compare two versions of a report with each other.
- Export button: Export one or more reports as a CSV or XML file.
- Number of reports
- Column Chooser button: Open the Column Chooser, which allows you to remove unneeded columns from the table.
- Refresh button: Display the latest overview of your reports.
- List of Language Check reports
- Checkbox: Select reports by enabling their checkboxes. The topmost checkbox enables all the checkboxes in the table at once.
- Document name column: Name of the document for which the selected report was generated
- Document-specific rule set column: Document-specific rule set with which the report was generated
- Report configuration column: Report configuration with which the report was generated
- Creation column: Time at which the report was generated
- Congree version column: The Congree version at the time the report was generated
- Report configuration version column: The internal version of the report configuration at the time the report was generated
- Report set version column: The internal version of the document-specific rule set at the time the report was generated
- Style Guide version column: The internal version of the underlying Style Guide at the time the report was generated
- Total checked words column: Number of words checked for a report
- Release level column: The release level reached
- Release level visualization column: Color highlighting of the release level reached
- Type column: Shows whether the selected report was generated during "Document check" when the last executed action has been in fact a document check or a section checkand "Partial check" when the last action has been another manipulation in the document.
- Spelling column: Number of potential spelling errors found
- Grammar column: Number of potential grammar errors found
- Style column: Number of potential style errors found
- Terminology column: Number of potential terminology errors found
- Abbreviations column: Number of potential abbreviation errors found
- Known terms column: Number of known terms found