Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


How to reactivate the display of hidden notifications:

  1. Click the Show/hide ignored rules button.
  2. You can view the hidden notifications as grayed out:
    Image Added

How to reactivate the display of disregarded notifications:

  1. Click the Show/hide disregarded notifications button.
  2. You can view the notifications not taken into consideration:
    Image Added
The procedure described here can also be used for showing notifications that have been hidden due to a deactivated rule.

How to reactivate the display of hidden notifications or notifications not taken into consideration:

  1. Click the Activate button in the selected notification:
    Image Added

    1. The gray background will disappear.
    2. The counter of the Show/hide ignored rules or Show/hide disregarded notifications will be reduced by one.
  2. The notification will again be displayed.
  3. The notification will again be included in the calculation of the release level.