Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


How to discard candidates:


  1. Activate the checkboxes in the first column to select all candidates that you would like to discard.

    1. The processing functions will be activated.
  2. Optional: Additionally, you can enter discard reasons and comments (see Entering and Commenting Discard Reasons).
  3. Click Discard.
    Image Added
  4. The selected sentences will be stored as "discarded" in the Authoring Memory database and will be removed from the list of candidates.
  5. The selected sentences will be available to you in the Discarded Pool.


If an author composes a discarded sentence in the Congree Authoring Client, it will be displayed in the Authoring Memory Candidates Panel with the Discarded icon, the discard reason, and a comment.



The changed status will be reflected in the Congree Authoring Client after the authors close the respective document and reopen it.