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If flexible settings have been created for a document-specific rule set in the Congree Control Center , the Congree Authoring Client will automatically apply a defined setting if the respective XML element occurs in your text.


The following flexible settings have been created in the Congree Control Center :

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If in Congree Authoring Client the XML-Element <topic>with attribute xml:lang and value "EN" occurs in a document, the following happens:

  1. English matches are displayed in the Authoring Memory window. This also happens if the underlying document-specific rule set has a document language other than English.
  2. An English style guide will be used for the Language Check. This also happens if the underlying document-specific rule set has a document language other than English.

In the same way, it is possible to create a document-specific rule set that can be used in the Congree Authoring Client for two languages at the same time.

The resulting notifications will be marked with a triangle icon. When you move over the icon with the mouse pointer, a tooltip providing information on the applied setting will be displayed:

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If flexible settings have been set up that entail results in a certain language, the results will adapt to the respective language in the Terminology Research Panel. In other words, if the Language Check for a section is performed in a certain language or sentences are displayed in a certain language in the Authoring Memory, the Terminology Research Panel results will correspond to this language.