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The linguistically enhanced Congree Language Check is available for the following languages:

  • – German

  • English

  • French

  • Spanish

Congree provides a basic Language Check for the following language(s):

  • Italian

  • Japanese

The Language Check Panel displays the notifications of the Language Check.

The following notification categories are displayed:

  • Spelling

  • Grammar

  • Style

  • Terminology

  • Abbreviations

  • Valid terms

Overview of the Language Check Panel:

a) Panel Toolbar and Release




  1. Previous error and


  1. next error buttons: Navigate from


  1. message to


  1. message in the editor.


  1. Display of the Release Level: The level is displayed on the left, the value on the right (highest value: 100)


In order to use the release level view, the language check report feature must be installed and licensed.

  1. Number of messages for the checked text

  2. Show/hide ignored


  1. messages button:


  1. Show and hide the display of ignored messages. The counter provides information on the number of


  1. ignored findings.

  2. Show/hide


The Show/hide disregarded notifications button is available only if the document-specific rule set has been configured in such a way in the Congree Control Center that notifications in 100% matches are to be hidden.
Using the Notification categories button you can hide only notifications for notification categories. It does not affect the release level.

b) Release level

To be able to use the release level view, the Language Check Report feature must be installed and licensed.




  1. details button: Show or hide the details in the message texts.

  2. Show/hide report button: Show or hide the report (7)

  3. Report with notification categories: Behind each category, you can see how many messages are open for this category. Click on a category to show or hide it.


The Message categories button can only be used to hide messages for message categories. The release level is not affected by this.
The Valid terms message category does not affect the release level.

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  1. Release level
  2. Button for showing and hiding the report
  3. Notification count and number of paragraphs checked so far
  4. Notification count in the various notification categories including color highlighting of the notification frequency


When moving the mouse

of the notification categories highlighted in color

over the color-coded message categories, a tooltip provides information on the release level of the respective


message category.

Click a notification category to hide the notifications for the respective notification category (same as the Notification categories button).

c) Notification: Information


  1. Show Language Check Report button: Show the language check report in a new browser window. Clicking on this button displays the details of the report as described in the chapter Reporting Manager - Reports - [EN] Documentation v6 - Congree Documentation.

b) Message: Information

If you click on a message, it is highlighted in yellow. In the text, the word or words in question will be highlighted in gray.


  1. Summary: The keyword briefly describes the error. It is usually formulated


  1. in an instructive way.

  2. Suggested correction to insert directly into the document. The suggestion is highlighted in green. For certain errors, no correction


  1. suggestion for direct insertion


  1. into the document is offered. In these cases, the error


  1. must be corrected manually. In some cases, several correction suggestions may be displayed. In this case, select the appropriate suggestion.

  2. Instruction: The instruction


  1. expands on the summary and indicates how you can correct the


  1. error found.

  2. Explanation:


  1. The explanation provides additional information on the message.

  2. Message category and rule code: The message category indicates whether there is a spelling message, grammar message, style message, terminology message, abbreviation message or a valid term. The rule code gives each rule a unique identifier. If Congree classes (see Congree Control Center


  1. manual) have been assigned, these are shown after the rule




  1. code.


  1. Example button: Click on the button to display an example for this message. Examples are not available for all messages.

  2. Negative example: When the example is displayed, a record with an error is displayed first. The part to be improved is crossed out in red.

  3. Positive example: A sentence is then displayed in which the rule has been applied correctly. The changed part is underlined in green.


There is more than one correction option for some messages. However, the example only shows one correction option

for each notification

at a time.


c) Notification: Buttons



The buttons become visible when moving the mouse pointer over the notification.



The counter next to the buttons provides information on the number of hits.



    1. Apply


    1. to


    1. entire document button: Apply a suggested correction


    1. for identical


    1. messages directly to your text.

    2. Ignore button: Select Ignore


    1. to hide an individual


    1. message.

    2. Ignore all button: Select Ignore all


    1. to hide a


    1. message that occurs several times for the same word or segment.

    2. Ignore rule for this session button: Select Ignore rule for this session to stop receiving messages for the rule during the current session.




    Deactivate Rule does not deactivate rules permanently. After you log out from Congree and back in or turn Congree off and back on, the rule will again be active.

    e) Notification: Highlighting of Hits in the Same Section

    If the section of a selected hit contains further hits, these will be highlighted with a color frame:

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    Ignored rules have a positive effect on the release level. The text in question is recognized as correct when it is ignored. The release level increases accordingly.


    Ignored rules have a positive effect on the release level. The text in question is recognized as correct when it is ignored. The release level increases accordingly.



    In the context of corporate terminology, it may occur that some concepts have the same preferred and deprecated terms. If the deprecated term is found in the text and flagged, the notification includes the proposed positive term for the term it refers to only once.
