Type definitions - IBulkCheckService - Auxiliary types

Type definitions - IBulkCheckService - Auxiliary types

ApiVersionInfo class

Class definition
public class ApiVersionInfo
    public int CongreeBulkCheckServiceApiVersion { get; set; }

Contains API version information.

CongreeBulkCheckServiceApiVersionVersion string of Bulk Check API

VersionInfo class

Class definition
public class VersionInfo
    public string CongreeBulkCheckServiceVersion { get; set; }
    public string CongreeVersion { get; set; }

Contains Congree versions information.

CongreeBulkCheckServiceVersionVersion string of Bulk Check Service
CongreeVersionVersion string of Congree Server

CongreeComponentInfo class

Class definition
public class CongreeComponentInfo
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string ComponentId { get; set; }

Represents installed/licensed Congree component.

NameDisplayed name of the component (ex. "Congree Data Grooming")
ComponentIdId of the component (ex. "CLTFeatureDataGrooming")

List of reported components

Component IdMeaning*
Congree components
CLTCASCongree Authoring Server
CltEditionCongree Edition
CLTEditorWordCongree for Microsoft Word
CltEditorPptCongree for Microsoft PowerPoint
CltEditorOutlookCongree for Microsoft Outlook
CltEditorArbortextCongree for PTC Arbortext Editor
CltEditorXmetalCongree for JustSystems XMetaL Author
CltEditorFrameCongree for Adobe FrameMaker
CltEditorIndesignCongree for Adobe InDesign
CltEditorAnytimeCongree Anytime
CltEditorXmaxCongree for JustSystems XMAX
CltEditorAuthitCongree for ASC Author-it
CltEditorProxyCongree Client Proxy
CLTFeatureDataGroomingCongree Data Grooming
CltFeatTermCongree Terminology
CltFeatAmNativeNon-native Authoring
CltFeatAuthMemoryCongree Authoring Memory
CltFeatLangCheckDeCongree Language Check German
CltFeatLangCheckEnCongree Language Check English
CltFeatTermExtractCongree Term Extraction
CltFeatBcsCongree Bulk Check Service

Note: This table does not specify corresponding values of Name field, as they are reported by license server and may vary depending on installed license.