Storing user lexicon entries

Storing user lexicon entries

When you enter a word in the user lexicon, you also mark the word in terms of its characteristics relevant to language processing. For nouns, for example, you can enter information on gender, number, and case.

Each user lexicon entry represents a complete word form. If a word has different forms for the singular and plural, you must include these different forms in separate entries. The same applies if a special form exists for the genitive:

EFG (singular – nominative, dative, accusative)
EFGs (singular – genitive)
BioGran (singular)
BioGrane (plural)

You must also include compounds in separate entries, even if all components of the compound are already entered in the user lexicon:


You do, however, have the option of marking entries in the user lexicon so that the entries can form hyphenated compounds with words from the system lexicon:


You can also enter a word form multiple times in the user lexicon. This may be necessary if a word form has different grammatical uses and this is also reflected in a characteristic feature such as the gender:

(den) BioGranen (noun: masculine - plural - dative)
(das) BioGranen (noun infinitive: neuter - singular)

The following criteria apply when creating new user lexicon entries as distinguishing features of otherwise identical entries:

  • Gender: Here, not only entries with different gender are considered, but also otherwise identical entries, one of which has not yet been assigned a gender.
  • Number
  • Case
  • Semantics
  • for abbreviations: the long form


User lexicon entries that differ only in the Part of compound attribute are not allowed.

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