Versionen im Vergleich


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When you log into the Congree Authoring Client or the Congree Control Center, you have the option of selecting a Congree environment under Server (see Beim Logging in to the Congree - Server anmelden or Beim Logging in to the Congree Control Center anmelden).


This is useful, for example, if your company has a test system and a production system and you are a user of both systems. By selecting Server, you can determine which Congree server your Congree Authoring Client or Control Center connects to.



You can configure any number of Congree environments.

  1. Click Configure...:

    Image Added

    1. The Congree environment panel will open up.


      Your current Congree environment is stored as a non-deletable default environment.

  2. Click Click here to add a new row:

    Image Added

  3. Enter a freely selectable name for your additional environment in Name.

  4. In Address, enter the IP address or hostname of the host where the Congree server is installed in your extended environment:

    Image Added

  5. Click OK.

    1. The Congree environment panel will be closed.

  6. You can select your newly created environment under Server.