Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
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How to configure the Congree databases:

  1. Click the following button of the component:
    Image Added

    1. An input window will open up:
      Image Added
  2. Optional: If your database instance is not the default or a non-standard port is being used, you can define this under Connection Settings.

  3. Under SQL user with enough rights to create the Congree Database, enter the user name and password of the respective user.

  4. Under SQL user needed for Congree to interact with the Congree Database, enter the user name and password of the respective user.

  5. Click OK.
  6. You have successfully created a database configuration.
  7. The SQL user for Congree (see previous step) has been created.
  8. If the Deployment Assistant is run on the database host, Congree will create the databases.
  9. Alternative: If the downloaded configuration (see next instruction) is run as a script on the database host, Congree will create the databases.
Only passwords without the ";" and "=" characters are permitted for the SQL user needed for Congree to interact with the Congree Database.


In distributed environments with different security zones, neither the configuring persons nor the employees who perform the Congree installation might have access to the database host and to SQL passwords that enable the creation of users and databases. Therefore, a created database configuration can be downloaded as SQL script and be made available for execution on the database host.
  1. Click the button Export database creation script:
    Image Added

    1. A dialog for saving the configuration will open up:
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  2. Enter a file name and confirm it with Save.
  3. Your database configuration has been successfully saved and can be provided.

How to rename your individual databases:

  1. Click the following button of the individual database subcomponents:
    Image Added

    1. An input window will open up:
      Image Added
  2. Enter a different database name.
  3. Click OK.
  4. The database will be created with the name you specified.