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Kommentar: Mittels Scroll Versions veröffentlicht aus dem Bereich DOKERS und Version 6.0.031.


  1. Back button: Wechseln Sie zum Deployment Assistant-Startmenü
  2. Client and Server buttons: Switch to the menu for configuring server components or to the menu for configuring client components.
  3. Configuration name: Name your communication configuration. If no name is entered, your configuration is called Default by default.
  4. Description: Optionally describe your communication configuration.
  5. Location: The IP address or host name of your configuration host is displayed here.
  6. Client-server communication configuration area: Determine how the client and server communicate with each other. If you do not make a selection, HTTP is set as the default.
  7. Area to configure communication with Identity Server: Determine how the client and Identity Server communicate with each other. If you do not make a selection, HTTP is set as the default.
  8. Selection: Enable HSTS as the security mechanism for HTTPS communication. If HTTP is selected as the communication mode, the selection is grayed out.
  9. Public server name: Enter host name or IP of the server Specify the hostname under which the server can be reached from the Congree clients (if different from the actual hostname).
  10. Save button: Save your communication configuration.


Communication over HTTPS requires that a Trusted Certificate is present (for client-server communication) or SSL is correctly configured (for communication with the Identity Server).


The SSL certificate which is required for communication via HTTPS, must not be placed on a reverse proxy, as this will lead to incorrect program behavior.