Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Mittels Scroll Versions veröffentlicht aus dem Bereich DOKERS und Version 6.0.016.

The In the Import menu of TermTiger gives you information on whether a terminology import was successful.


The terminology import itself is not carried out in the Import menu.

, you can import terminology into Congree TermTiger.

The file formats that can be imported:

  • TBX
  • CSV

Overview of the Import menu

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  1. Source drop-down list: Select the terminology file that you would like to import.
  2. Table
    1. Original field column: Attribute from your terminology file
    2. Original value(s) column: Attribute value from your terminology file
    3. Type column: Attribute type from your terminology file
    4. TermTiger field column: Specify which attribute from Congree TermTiger corresponds to the attribute from your terminology file.
    5. TermTiger values column: Specify which attribute from Congree TermTiger corresponds to the attribute value from your terminology file.
    6. Language Restrictions column: Specify a language restriction for the attribute.
    7. Content language column: Specify the language of the attribute value.