Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


  • The file to be imported is compliant with the TBX specification.
  • Languages you want to import are configued in your termbase.
  • All fields and field values are configured in your termbase.

Please note that an import overrides the content of the termbase.

Importing a TBX using the import wizard.

Follow the following steps and click on Next to continue with the next step.


Select the file format.

Select in Format TBX.


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Import Configuration

If you have saved a import configuration during a previous import cou can load it now. Click on Select File.





Concept ID

Tick the box if you want to preserve the Concept ID of the file to be imported.

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Ih this option is selected the concept ID in TermTiger is the same as in the import file. Otherwise the import process will be generating a new one..


Select the option Configure languages manually, if you want to map the languages manually. Otherwise the languages are being mapped automatically if possible.

The column Original field lists all languages contained in the TBX file. In the column Languages you can map them onto a language defined in your termbase.

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Languages that have not been selected are not being imported.


During this step you map field in the source files onto fields in your termbase.

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The meaning of the columns:

Source: the name of the field in the source file

Original value: the content of the field in the source file.

Type: The type of the field in your termbase, e.g. Definition, Usage...

TermTiger field: The name of the field in TermTiger

TermTiger value: Field with picklist values are being mapped onto values on TermTiger

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Content language: Geben Sie hier bei mehrsprachigen Feldern an, für welche Sprache der Inhalt importiert werden soll.

Save Import Configuration

Click on  Save Config to save the mapping as JSON file

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TermTiger saves the settings using a generated file name.  The file is being stored in your personal Donwaload folder

Start Import

Click on Start Import to launch the import.

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