Versionen im Vergleich


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How to configure the terminology server settings:

  1. Click the following button of the component:
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    1. An input window will open up:

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  2. Under Terminology system, select the third-party terminology system you use.

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     With Across crossTerm as terminology system
    1. If you select Across crossTerm, the input window does not change.
     With SDL MultiTerm as terminology system
    1. If you select SDL MultiTerm, the input window will now look like this;
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     With Interverbum TermWeb as terminology system
    1. If you select Interverbum TermWeb, the input window will now look like this:
      Image Removed
     With Kaleidoscope quickTerm as terminology system
    1. If you select Kaleidoscope quickTerm, the input window will now look like this:

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     With TermTiger as terminology system
    1. If you select TermTiger, the input window will now look like this;

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  3. Proceed according to the terminology system used:

     With Across crossTerm as terminology system

    Under crossTerm Services Host, specify where the terminology system is installed.

     With SDL MultiTerm as terminology system
    1. Under MultiTerm Services Host, specify where the terminology system is installed.
    2. Specify a MultiTerm-user name.
    3. Specify a MultiTerm password and confirm it.
     With Interverbum TermWeb as terminology system
     With Kaleidoscope quickTerm as terminology system
     With TermTiger as terminology system
  4. Click OK.
  5. You have successfully configured the terminology server settings.