Versionen im Vergleich


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How to enrich term candidates with additional terminology information:

  1. Expand all configured fields for additional terminology information according to your needs. You can do this in two ways:

    1. Click the + button behind Concept or Term:
      Image Removed
      The fields for additional information on Concept or Term will be expanded for the selected term candidate.
    2. Click Expand/collapse concept information or Expand/collapse term information:
      Image Removed
      The fields for additional information on Concept or Term will be expanded for all term candidates.
  2. Enter the required values as free text or select them from a drop-down list:
    Image Removed
  3. Once all required additional terminology information has been entered, the checkbox for selecting the term candidate will become active:
    Image Removed
  4. The checkbox for selecting the term candidate is grayed out: You have not entered all required additional information. Please do so.