Versionen im Vergleich


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Overview of the Rights Menu

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  1. Back button: Go to the overview of available Congree Managers.
  2. Activated Managers: Go to another Manager.
  3. Parent menus: Switch between the Users, Groups, Roles, and Rights menus.
  4. Refresh button: Refresh the list of rights.
  5. Add button: Add a new right.
  6. Delete button: Delete the selected right.
  7. Select all button: Activate all checkboxes in the list of rights.
  8. Unselect all button: Deactivate all checkboxes in the list of rights.
  9. List of rights
    1. Checkbox: Select a right or undo an existing selection.
    2. Name column: Create names for the rights.
    3. Description column: Add descriptions to the rights.
    4. Component column: Determine the components for which the access right is defined.
    5. Access rights column: Determine the part or feature of a component to which the access right is to apply.
  10. Save button: Save the list of rights.
  11. Reset button: Reset the list of rights.