Versionen im Vergleich


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congree.loadSidebar = function (username, password) {
            // loader code custom to host app
            congree.sidebar = new Congree.Sidebar({
                serverAddress: <host>/Congree,
                authentication: {
                    userName: username ,
                    password: password ",
                    accessTokenURL: <host>/congreeidentityserver/connect/token,
                    loginType: "usernamePassword",
                initialRuleSetName: "<RuleSet>",
                // culture: "de-DE",
                editors: [
                    Congree.AdapterFor.TextInput('.TextArea', 'para')

            congree.sidebarOverlay = congree.sidebar.asOverlay({
                overlayIconPosition: null,
                overlaySize: { top: 0, bottom: 0 },
                    "autoHideSidebarOnEditorFocusLost": true,
                    "autoHideSidebarOnErrorsFixed": false,
                    "autoShowSidebarOnEditorError": true,
                    "autoShowSidebarOnEditorFocus": true,
 					"overlayPosition": 1,
					"shouldShowTacheles": true


autoShowSidebarOnEditorFocusShows CWI the sidebar when a user clicks on editor
autoShowSidebarOnEditorErrorShows CWI the sidebar when there is an error on the page
autoHideSidebarOnEditorFocusLost Hides CWI when on of the editors lost the focus, i.e. when the user clicks somewehere outside one of the editors.
autoHideSidebarOnErrorsFixedHides CWI when all errors have been fixed.
overlayPositionDefines where CWI is being positioned. 1 - on the right hand side, 2 - on the left hand side
shouldSowTachelesDefines if CWI is active or not. true - it's active, false it's inactive